Friday 17 April 2020

what to eat for breakfast to lose weight fast

Healthy breakfast for weight loss and energy

Losing weight takes a lot of striving, patience, and courage.If you are willing to lose mass, say no to fast foods and shift to home recipe.  Just eating and reading wont be enough, you have to do the effort as well.  Here are a some well known weight loss breakfast foods you can prepare at home. Mentioned menu will aid you shed pounds, and feel better.

What to eat for breakfast to lose weight fast ; weight loss diet chart ?

What to eat for breakfast to lose weight fast

1 ) Carrots

Carrot juice is Best juice for weight loss in the morning. Carrots are also good source of vitamin A, so good for your eyesight as well. Moreover very easy and low-priced to prepare. It is great for weight loss as carrots are low in calories and full of fiber. A packed glass of carrot juice will keep you full till lunch. You can add them in your weight loss breakfast menu to lose weight fast.

Tip: A cup of raw carrot sticks has only 50 calories. Take 1.5 or 2 cups of and you are done with morning meal just under 100 calories 

2 ) Eggs with spinach

Eggs mixed with spinach is one of the best breakfasts for weight loss. It combines weight-loss power food egg with nutrient-packed spinach. The fiber and protein will help you top up quickly while its nutrition value is under 300 calories which is a fair deal. Scrambled eggs for weight loss are well known among fitness trainers.
Scrambled eggs for weight loss

Tip:  In your weight loss diet plan say no to carbs and do exercise on regular basis. You will shed more than 10 Kg's in just few weeks 

3 ) Bananas

Though eating bananas can't directly lead to weight loss, some of its features may aid indirectly to fat loss if consumed occasionally.

control Your appetite,

It reduce bloating,

Above all they help to replace processed sugars. According to Research studies Foods with added sugars are poor for your health. Eating such foods cause increased belly fat and weight gain.

how to lose weight fast foods and tips

Tip: If banana weight loss diet or any stop eating when your stomach is 85% filled.This will cut of the overall calories 

5) Mushrooms

From decades mushrooms are well known to assist weight loss and fat burn.They're fat-free, low-calorie, and cholesterol-free as well. Mushrooms are delicious as well. Consider them in your fat burning morning diet, when you are making diet plan to lose belly fat.
fat burning morning diet,

Tip:Apart from having a best morning diet plan its essential to Walk or jog before breakfast. 

6 ) Yogurt

Adding low-carb yogurt to your morning meal is among best weight loss diet plans. Yogurt is low in carbohydrates while rich in protein and good fats.If you consume it in morning you don't have to worry about snack time until lunch.

Yougart and fat burn

Tip: Before buying best yogurt for weight loss Check ingredients list. Go for low-fat but make sure you're getting enough protein and not too much added sugar.Many companies add too much sugar to make it tasty.

7 ) Acai berries

Global demand for these barriers increased rapidly in the 21st century because They are loaded with antioxidants, which bring so many benefits to overall health.
They contain Good fats along with fibers which make them perfect for healthy breakfast menu. Acai berries are known as best weight loss-friendly berries. Picking such fruits Or vegetables will allow you to eat a snack with only 100 calories.
best berries to lose fat fast

8 ) Avocado

Many fitness coaches consider avocado among weight loss foods though avocados are relatively high in fat. ? 
the thing here is how to eat avocado and how much to eat.

Avocado for breakfast : 
It’s a great substitute for high-fat or high-sugar spreads on toast, because it has enough healthy fat to give you extra energy.You won't feel empty stomach for hours afterwards.

Tip :Check out the nutritional value of avocado cause they are filled with fats. Don't put them in your diet menu without precise knowledge.

9 ) Grapefruit

Grapefruit are low in Calories, Yet High in Nutrients. They still may not help in weigh loss.
According to recent studies  it was proved that nutrients in  this fruit have long term benefits for weight control and obesity prevention. 

Tip: According to another study : Grapefruit may speed weight loss if you drink its juice before meals especially in Morning. 

10 ) Green Tea

Green tea is known as healthiest beverage on the planet.Not just because it helps you in shedding pounds but it also has marvelous effect on over health of a person. It is packed with Antioxidants and nutrients which are know for hundreds of benefits.
Green tea is a natural weight loss food which has no replacement.

Green tea is a natural weight loss food

Weight loss tips ; Good eating habit is eating only when hungry : 
not for pleasure or in response to anxiety or boredom. Eating any of these foods in excess isn't healthy at all and may result in obesity. Burn more calories than you consume and magic will defiantly happen. 
Stay blessed! 

Wednesday 15 April 2020

How to Lose belly fat fast ; Tips Tricks and Foods

Exercises, tips, tricks and foods that would help you burn tummy fat as fast as possible

If building a six-packs were easy almost everyone would have so called sexy abs.It doesn't mean that you can't have them or they are necessary.

How to Lose belly fat fast ; Tips Tricks and Foods

Belly fat not only makes your clothes feel snug , but also affects your skin underneath. Being overweight isn't healthy for you at all.
Fat accumulated around belly is termed as visceral fat. Scientific studies have shown; it is a major risk factor for hypertension,cardiac disease and type 2 diabetes.

All you need is dedication and alignment with right path". 
[Lose more calories than you take every day and you are on right path ]. 

To get fast results as humanly as possible you have to exert along with Appropriate diet.

List of foods that burn belly fat fast ;

- Adding protein to diet 

a person who eat more protein tend to have less abdominal

 For weight management  its extremely important to discus protein as it is major constituent of human body. High protein intake increases the release of various hormones such as [pyy].It makes person feel full ; hence decreases appetite and promotes fullness of stomach.

Many observational studies proved that; a person who eat more protein tend to have less abdominal fat than those who eat a lower protein diet.Adding protein to diet when loosing  belly fat helps you to retain your muscle mass during weight loss.[ TRUSTED SOURCE ].



are a good source of protein.

- Eggs 

people who eat eggs for breakfast adjoined with some vegetables lose almost twice as much Fat

Eggs are a very good source of protein. You can have them with vegetables in the morning.

Recent research revels that people who eat eggs for breakfast adjoined with some vegetables lose almost twice as much Fat/weight compared to those who just eat carbohydrates for their first morning meal.
Starting you day with a healthy diet will boost your metabolism, which in turn leads to weight loss. More over it also help you to perform increased physical exercises and keep you active throughout the day.  

- Apples 

 how to get rid of belly fat quickly

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" You probably have heard that. Today i will tell you how to get rid of belly fat quickly with the aid of apples!

Research studies reveled, females who were instructed to consume [2 medium sized apples ]300 grams of apples per day for a period of  almost 3 months have lost around 2.8 lbs (1.25 kg).These results were apart from any changes in routine life,

- Mushrooms 

fat burning diet

They are a good source of vitamins E, B12, and D and minerals such as zinc, selenium, iron, & calcium

From decades mushrooms are well known to assist weight loss and fat burn. Mushrooms are delicious aswell. Consider them in your fat burning diet when you are making diet plan to lose belly fat.

- Carrots 

Carrot juice is Best juice for weight loss in the morning

Carrots fall among [ low-calorie vegetables with high fiber content ].

Considering carrots in your weight loss diet is a good idea. Blend them in a juicer to make a hygienic,refreshing fat burn juice.

Carrot juice is Best juice for weight loss in the morning. Carrots are also good source of vitamin A, so good for your eyesight as well.

- Avoid Carbs and sugar-sweetened drinks.

Science and technology shows that added sugar especially fructose have an adverse effect on your metabolic health.Foods with added sugars are poor for your health. Eating a lot of such foods cause increased belly fat and weight gain.
Apart from gaining weight, too much refined sugar in diet leads to damaged liver Trusted source 

-Limiting the intake of trans fat ; a smart idea

Trans fats are soybean oil.They’re found in mostly in spreads and some margarine and sometimes added to wrapped foods. Research study have relate a high intake of trans fat to increased belly fat gain. If you’re trying to lose weight, limiting your intake of trans fat is a smart idea.

How to lose belly fat in a week ; One trick solution

Up till now, there is no available drug that is accepted by the Drug Administration for the reduction of belly fat. Supplements claiming " lose belly fat in 2 weeks " are not more then a trick to sell their product. 
Don't fall prey to useless tricks like how to lose belly fat in 2 weeks ? and focus Enjoying a healthy lifestyle.The key to reduce belly fat as well as over all weight. 

-Committing to physical lifestyle

 Physical Lifestyle can significantly improve the moods of patients with major depressive disorders.

For both men and women the single most important thing "magic pill" to get rid of existing belly fat and prevent the build up of belly fat in future; is  to carryout physical activities, and better yet, a physical lifestyle.

When you look at the importance of physical activities getting the belly line trim is among the minor advantages. Numerous studies have shown that it has an incredible effect on overall health of a person i.e it reduce risk of hypertension, strokes, diabetes,  and heart attacks, Moreover recent studies have shown that Physical Lifestyle can significantly improve the moods of patients with major depressive disorders. 
Exercise is a natural treatment to fight depression [trusted source

Exercises to lose belly fat ;

-Running Or Jogging

You may probably think, Can you lose belly fat by jogging ? Well, research studies shows that up till now there is no direct way to target belly fat.Your genes decide, where to accumulate fats in your body. [belly,chest,buttocks].Though any aerobic exercise like running can reduce belly fat. When excess calories are burned body fat percentage decreasing overall weight.Burn as much calories as possible along with fat burning foods to achieve your goals faster.

-Cycling exercise for weight loss 

In a recent research study, Ab exercises to lose tummy fat were ranked from best to worst.So they won't bring significant effect when it comes to reducing your belly fat.Cycling especially the laying bicycle exercise ranked as No 1  exercise. As it involve more abdominal muscle activity, abdominal firmness along with body rotation.
If you can go for bicycling it's great for shedding that fat off your belly. if you can't  go out you can simply  do 20 minute indoor cycling workout. Drop your phone and try this now!
> Lie on your back place your hands behind your neck
> bring both of your knees near your chest
>Try to lift you head and shoulders off the ground as much as possible
>Bring the left elbow to your right knee and straighten the left leg
>Switch the sides right elbow to your left knee and straighten the right leg. 

This is the  most effective exercise for belly fat reduction. You can easily do it at your home and it is among  best exercises to lose belly fat for for females. 

Tip - Just Reading Articles wont help you achieve your desired results. Pull up start exercising and make a Fat burning diet plan for yourself. You can do it!

Monday 13 April 2020

What makes someone unlikeable

I did some digging to come up with some key behaviors that push people back when it comes to person likability. Make sure cut of any of these behaviors [if any] as soon as possible.

Scientifically proven habits of unlikable people:

1. Forgetting Names 

If you can't remember names of people you meet occasionally then you are at highest risk to fall victim among unlikable people. Instead of making you look cool, it makes people feel as though you don't take them seriously and you never cared about them.

2.Name dropping

 It’s great to know popular and interesting people, but exploiting every conversation as an opportunity to name-drop is flashy and silly.When you connect every topic with who you know [others may don't care about] conversations lose their need to know If a person is talking to you he/she is interested in your stories rather than some one you know right take care of that.

3. Liars 

Nowadays lying is a common feature of social interactions among humans. .Lies often lead to SOME benefit. For example, a person may lie to avoid social embarrassment or you may see some short term benefits . While some people lie more frequently. Pathological lying is different. It may be a sign of an underlying mental health condition, such as a personality disorder.If one of your friend is a lair you will not trust him and definitely going to dislike in long run.If you want a long run relationships avoid lying even if you may have to face hard time afterwards.  

4.Narrow minded people

If you have limited outlook and unwilling to consider alternative ideas, stance or thoughts then you fall under this category.  As you know no one like narrow minded people, so do consider others prospective when it comes group tasks or work. 

5. Attention seekers

Attention seeking behavior is to act in a way that is likely to grab attention, usually to get validation from others.One of common Trait of such people is posting to much on social media. Drama queen may be the word which perfectly defines them.

6. Phone Addicts 

Nothing turns someone off to you like a mid-conversation text message or even a quick glance at your phone, you definitely would have experienced it personally .So When you commit to a conversation, focus all of your energy on the conversation.Pay attention to what you are chitchatting and be an active participant in conversation.

7. Gossiping people behind their back

A friend who passes on the secrets of other friends, but asks you not to tell is a gossip.If someone do so you may think he/she is probably sharing your secrets with other friends. Mature people don't like gossipers.

8. Yelling at people

Yelling is having a detrimental effect on relationships. its known to almost everyone even children know it.

9. Reluctant to go out

If some one likes you and invites you out for any activity and every time what person hears form you is "No" than the time isn't far when all the likability turns to hatred. It doesn't means you cant say no but always responding in such away shows you don't care about them anymore.  

10. Disclosing something extremely personal early on in a relationship.

While getting to know people requires a healthy amount of sharing, sharing too much too early about yourself is surely wrong.So Be careful & avoid sharing personal queries and confessions prematurely . Likable people let the other person guide them as to when it’s the right time for them to open up.

How to be More Social ; Easy Step by Step Guide

You can’t become financially or professionally successful without superior social skills

How to be More Social


Introverts don’t like to socialize too much, but that doesn’t mean they hate to spend time with people[They mostly enjoy alone]. If you are an introvert , then your natural instincts don’t motivate you to go out with friends OR socialize with group of people.
How to Be More Social Tip: Learn how to HAPPIER

Explore New Friendships + Connect Them with the Existing Ones] STEP 1: 

How to be More Social 

To be honest this step towards socializing is my favorite and I highly recommend to start practicing . Pick up you phone you definitely got dozen contacts who don’t know each other, you’ll have to keep reaching out. SO call them meet up and you would be the glue in 
between.Practice this for a week and see the difference. [ Be a Social Lubricant ]


How to be More Social

Carnegie used to say, “To be interesting, be interested". When some one is talking to you show love and affection . Listen to understand them not just to Answer. Every one loves it when someone understand them so ; BE SOMEONE NOT EVERYONE. 

Take Responsibility for Your Behavior STEP 3: 

How to be More Social.

When we talk about social life,its necessary to talk about  personal development . When you Face problems and difficulties in life Or among Friends , don’t play the role of the victim. Acknowledge your role in the situation and take responsibility for your behavior.
Accepting responsibility will help you learn from your mistakes and prevent you from blaming others unfairly.If you are not good at Self control how you would be more social.
So next time when you confront any problem BEWARE of your actions

Encourage Others to Talk About Themselves Step 4:

How to be More Social

Almost all people really enjoy talking about themselves.Encourage them when they try to by asking a simple question about a  career, hobbies, or family. Show you’re interested in hearing what is being said.Make them fell comfortable when they are around you.

 Learn About Social Skills Step 5:

How to be More Social

Read books about social skills. There are dozens of quality books in the market that can help you learn every social skill you need to know about i.e ways to start conversation. But keep in mind that just reading about these skills won’t make you any difference. If You are not willing to practice them over and over again.

Don't Pay Attention to Your Body Language step 6:

How to be More Social;

Non-verbal communication matters a lot. Don't Pay attention to the type of body language you use be natural .Don't try to appear relaxed instead be relaxed and the only way you can do that is by lifting your concentration form your own self and paying attention to people around you.This may sound different but according to research unless you get out of your own mind its impossible for you to feel comfortable in real.The only thing which result in social distancing is your ego and feeling of superiority 

How to be More Social ; Step by Step Guide Summary

1] Use the opportunities around you
2] Show interest in gatherings
3] Be mature and Be responsible
4] Make people comfortable when they are around you
5]Learn social skills 
6] Don't try to relax instead Be comfortable in real

Sunday 12 April 2020

When does the stimulus check get deposited

When does the stimulus check get deposited? US covid-19 .
When are stimulus checks coming to US? Good news is money set to roll out to Americans tomorrow [April 13] 

When does the stimulus check get deposited
Checks for millions of American residents , a key part of the $2.2 trillion stimulus bill, will start rolling out to public from tomorrow 13 April .This money can’t come soon enough for the more than 16.5 million people [who are suddenly out of a job]. Sit back and don't worry cause money coming home soon.
The relief money from govt will appear automatically in your bank account [if the IRS has your personal account information on files of previous years’ tax we paying]. If the IRS doesn’t already have your account information, or if you didn’t file taxes in last 2 years still you don't need worry cause, you can submit your information on online portal.

When does the stimulus check get deposited US ?

When are stimulus checks being sent out  US;

Starting on the week of April 13 [Monday], the very first corona virus stimulus payment will be deposited to those people who have already set up direct deposit with the IRS. Not everyone will receive the same check.
$1,200 check to individuals.
$2400 check to married couples.
$500 check to each dependent child.

Where is my stimulus check ?

 But if you meet the requirements for a STIMULUS CHECK , the govt will either direct deposit the money into your bank account or mail it to you. If IRS don't have you information you would be able to register on online portal  by April 17. Visit IRS [ Get My Payment] tool for more information.

How do i get relief money ?

The emergency stimulus checks for covid 19 could be as much as  $2,400 for married couples who are filers and $500 per dependent child. For individuals  $1200.
Relief amounts for the payments made this year are based on 2018 2019 tax returns, OR tax returns for people who haven’t filed their 2019 return yet .[few]
People who are eligible for relief stimulus check don’t have to do anything to get it, and if they filed a 2018 or 2019 tax return with direct deposit information on it, the money will be deposited there when the IRS issues relief payments 2020

Can I track my payment the stimulus check ?

To help check the status of your payments , you can use the tool “Get My Payment” especially   designed from the IRS for your convenience, which is expected to be ready by April 17 2020. It will provide the data of your payment, including the date the payment is scheduled to be deposited into your bank account or mailed to you.
Thank-you. follow for any further details about your stimulus check & When are stimulus checks being sent out.

Saturday 11 April 2020

Physical mental social spiritual health

What are four types of health ? Physical mental social spiritual health. How are they  related.

1. Physical health .  [ Body health ]

How well your body function. Having enough energy to perform your daily activities,dealing with stress and strain. It is called physical health.
What you can do to maintain your physical health is simply;
exercise for 30 mins at-least.
 6 to 8 hours of sleep at night &
 Taking a balanced diet.

 2. Social health . [community health ]

Getting along with your family , friends and community is whats called social health. if you don't have a lot of friend  but few close friends and you have connection with them your social health is good.You can make it even better by contributing to the community on daily basis. Do good for the people around you.It will make you feel good about your self  and it directly improves your Mental health.

4. Mental health [Brain health

Your feelings and thoughts. It's a reflection of how you feel about yourself [your self esteem] , how you approach problems of your daily life and how you cope with the them. OR in more simple words your mental health is your brain's health. How well your brain works. For better mental health read,write and gain knowledge. Enjoy being challenged to grow, accept responsibility for actions, have sense of control. 

 3. Spiritual health. [ soul health ]

Having a soul purpose in life , setting your basic values and principal , connecting to higher source like nature or God is called spiritual health . It will make you feel happy and will ensure you are moving in one direction.That is your destination as well as your dreams . Spiritual health or Soul health is most important because it will keep you moving through your life and all other types of  health are dependent on it. How to improve spiritual health ? you can improve your spirituality by  meditation and offering prayers on daily basis.

a) How spirituality affect health ?

If you don't have a purpose; What are you living for ? What is the driving force ? Why you are alive ?Why would even health matters ?
                                            To be healthy you need to be spiritual so every thing around you make sense. If you don't believe on anything how will you keep moving in life. 

b) How spiritual health affect physical health ?

Research have shown that there is a lot of connection b/w your beliefs and sense of well being. Spirituality and strength gained by religion even promotes healing. Spiritual health is the driving fore and every day it drive you out of your bed.So to be physically healthy its very important that every morning you leave your bed and show interest in life around you.

c) How spirituality affect mental health ?

If your beliefs are positive and strong. You will keep you moving in toughest situations . You will be able to take sound decisions and you will have a better mental health. When you feel stuck the only thing which can take you out of that situation are your positive believes. 


How To Be More Happier?

What iHappiness?

There are times when you feel happy as well as sometimes you feel sad. Have you ever wondered why!!!. Well today I'll tell you how you can enjoy more, be more energetic  and most importantly the basic mechanism of happiness.

So Lets say you enjoy long drives while it maybe not the case for your brother. As i mentioned above [the basic mechanism]  what is it ? is it a rocket science no . its very simple and its just a hormone and a its balance and its amount in your brain that makes you feel good and willing to do anything what you do. Its know as Dopamine.( happiness definition psychology )

How Dopamine Works & How To Be More Happier?

Dopamine is secreted in brain in some amount with every activity you do.The amount of dopamine secreted by that particular activity and your minimal dopamine level to feel good is what makes the difference. Greater the surge in hormone the more you enjoy and you definitely gonna repeat and crave for that activity [ More precisely that  greater surge of Dopamine]. 
To explain what I am trying to say ill share with you an example of drug addict and a poor man. 

Have you seen drug addicts when they are not high they dont take interest in work or anything other than drug itself. Every thing seems boring to them because there dopamine level is too low from their normal functioning level. How drug work is basically increasing the level of dopamine in your brain. 

So my dear friends never ever go near the drugs if you want to be a joyous person because it will elevate the normal functioning level of your brain so it would be Very difficult to enjoy the routine work unless you quit the drug and face the withdrawal symptoms and come back to normal.[when normal is high you need bigger surge to be more happy].

To clarify it ill share with you example of a poor starving man. His normal level of dopamine is fairly low so even a good meal makes him happy[when normal is low little  surge can make you happy].


So How To Be More Happier, more joyful and more energetic person?
You need to balance the amount of dopamine in your brain. Keep that normal low so little things can make big difference just like [it was in the case of the poor guy].

So how would you manage

The answer to this question is very simple and totally depends on you how would you like to manage it. The key here is to bring back the dopamine level to normal.lets say You can do that by setting a day in a week or 3 hours every day of a time in which you gonna  do stuff which seems boring to you like cleaning your apartment or reading writing exercise etc or you can simply fast. In this time you wont use technology like your phone internet or stuff like that.[watching videos on internet using cell phone or internet  is an addiction just like a drug addict]. 
So try this for two week and simply see the difference in you. 
Knowledge is power and road to better character and personal development.

Being happy or sad is totally up to you. if you want to be HAPPIER nothing on earth can stop you from feeling that way. Just Feel happy right now no Matter what situation of life it is, or how bad life is treating you.Try to smile whenever you are sad it will change your mood.

HAPPINESS is nothing but just a feeling the more you feel it the more you have .Just imagine you are the happiest person ever. Now just feel it and try to say it deep from your heart .If you can't feel it try try again and say "yes! I'm the happiest person on this earth " 
Im sure if you did this from your heart now you know that you the happiest person ever and happiness is just a feeling.

At last i would say happiness is simply enjoying the little things. Appreciate what you have rather than thinking about what you dont. Thank you Stay-blessed! For More Happiness articles .

what to eat for breakfast to lose weight fast

Healthy breakfast for weight loss and energy Losing weight takes a lot of striving, patience, and courage .If you are willing to lose ma...