Monday 13 April 2020

How to be More Social ; Easy Step by Step Guide

You can’t become financially or professionally successful without superior social skills

How to be More Social


Introverts don’t like to socialize too much, but that doesn’t mean they hate to spend time with people[They mostly enjoy alone]. If you are an introvert , then your natural instincts don’t motivate you to go out with friends OR socialize with group of people.
How to Be More Social Tip: Learn how to HAPPIER

Explore New Friendships + Connect Them with the Existing Ones] STEP 1: 

How to be More Social 

To be honest this step towards socializing is my favorite and I highly recommend to start practicing . Pick up you phone you definitely got dozen contacts who don’t know each other, you’ll have to keep reaching out. SO call them meet up and you would be the glue in 
between.Practice this for a week and see the difference. [ Be a Social Lubricant ]


How to be More Social

Carnegie used to say, “To be interesting, be interested". When some one is talking to you show love and affection . Listen to understand them not just to Answer. Every one loves it when someone understand them so ; BE SOMEONE NOT EVERYONE. 

Take Responsibility for Your Behavior STEP 3: 

How to be More Social.

When we talk about social life,its necessary to talk about  personal development . When you Face problems and difficulties in life Or among Friends , don’t play the role of the victim. Acknowledge your role in the situation and take responsibility for your behavior.
Accepting responsibility will help you learn from your mistakes and prevent you from blaming others unfairly.If you are not good at Self control how you would be more social.
So next time when you confront any problem BEWARE of your actions

Encourage Others to Talk About Themselves Step 4:

How to be More Social

Almost all people really enjoy talking about themselves.Encourage them when they try to by asking a simple question about a  career, hobbies, or family. Show you’re interested in hearing what is being said.Make them fell comfortable when they are around you.

 Learn About Social Skills Step 5:

How to be More Social

Read books about social skills. There are dozens of quality books in the market that can help you learn every social skill you need to know about i.e ways to start conversation. But keep in mind that just reading about these skills won’t make you any difference. If You are not willing to practice them over and over again.

Don't Pay Attention to Your Body Language step 6:

How to be More Social;

Non-verbal communication matters a lot. Don't Pay attention to the type of body language you use be natural .Don't try to appear relaxed instead be relaxed and the only way you can do that is by lifting your concentration form your own self and paying attention to people around you.This may sound different but according to research unless you get out of your own mind its impossible for you to feel comfortable in real.The only thing which result in social distancing is your ego and feeling of superiority 

How to be More Social ; Step by Step Guide Summary

1] Use the opportunities around you
2] Show interest in gatherings
3] Be mature and Be responsible
4] Make people comfortable when they are around you
5]Learn social skills 
6] Don't try to relax instead Be comfortable in real

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